Samantha Crafton Public Relations / Marketing and Public Relations Firm in Chicago, Illinois

Based in Chicago and Las Vegas, Samantha Crafton Public Relations provides a wide array of PR and publicity services to clients across the country. Founder Samantha Crafton is a seasoned publicist, professional writer and social media maven who has years of experience representing a wide variety of clients all over the country. SCPR aims to fill a void in the marketplace for a contemporary approach to PR that offers clients exceptional service, unique and customized campaigns and revenue-generating results. Our practices are based on Crafton's personal experiences and feedback she has received from clients and media as to what they really want in a publicist. Over the years Windy City native Samantha Crafton has successfully represented clients in Miami, London, Dallas, Las Vegas, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, Chicago and San Diego. SCPR's roster of clients include companies in the fashion, hospitality, lifestyle, consumer product, law, health + wellness, beauty and nightlife industries.


Brand Awareness Branding Consumer Outreach Crisis Communications Entertainment Industry PR Event Management & Publicity Hospitality Industry PR Media Relations Media Training New Business Launches Nonprofit PR Support Online Advertising Press Releases Print Media Product Differentiation And Positioning Product Launches Radio Reputation Management Social Media Marketing Speechwriting Services Store Openings Strategic Communications Television & Entertainment PR Trade Show Support Word-of-Mouth Advertising
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