Bianchi Public Relations, Inc. / Marketing and Public Relations Firm in Troy, Michigan

If your company seeks to be seen as a leader in the mobility or automotive space, Bianchi PR may be your best possible PR partner. Bianchi PR is trusted by select clients to provide superior PR counsel and programming for automotive mobility technology suppliers and related professional service firms. As a Detroit PR agency that is focused on automotive and mobility technology and B2B PR, Bianchi PR has worked with 11 of the world's top 45 automotive suppliers and offers an unmatched staff of senior professionals who help clients build their brands and influence customers. Well-known for its unsurpassed media relations capabilities, the firm also pioneered the SMaASH - Social Media and Auto Supplier Habits - and SMUPS - Social Media Use by Professional Service firms - studies to help its clients more effectively use social media platforms. Also, the firm has global reach through its 50 affiliates around the world in the Public Relations Global Network.


Articles Blogging Brand Awareness Business-to-Business (B2B) PR Content Marketing Event Management & Publicity Fact Sheets Integrated Marketing Legal PR Manufacturing Industry Media Relations Media Relations For Professional Service Firms Media Training Mobility Technology PR New Business Launches Press Releases Product Launches Public Relations Publicity Ranked By PRWeek As Largest Independent PR Firm Headquartered In Ranked Top Independent PR Agency Based In Metro Detroit By PRWee Social Media Marketing Strategic Communications Supply Chain Industry Technology Marketing Thought Leadership
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