Paramount Communications / Marketing and Public Relations Firm in Salinas, California

Paramount Communications is the only full-service political consulting and campaign management agency on the Central Coast. We have handled dozens of successful political campaigns at all levels in Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz counties. Our areas of expertise include strategy, message development, direct mail, graphics, television and radio advertising, websites, voter data management, and grassroots organizing. If you're considering running for public office, you should make it a point to call Paramount Communications, the Choice of Candidates on the Central Coast. We also handle non-political public relations and marketing campaigns.


Advertising Development Audio & Video Production Branding Crisis Communications Direct Marketing Fact Sheets Marketing Research Media Relations Online Advertising Press Releases Print Media Production/Design Public Affairs Radio SEO Social Media Marketing Speechwriting Services Television & Entertainment PR Website Design Services
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