AMP3 Public Relations / Marketing and Public Relations Firm in New York City, New York

AMP3 PR is a Top NYC PR Company. We may be a boutique PR firm, but we are proudly O'dwyer's Top 10 Fashion and Beauty PR Firms of 2018 and PR Couture's "Agency of the Year." We offer Full-Service PR capabilities and specialize in Fashion, Beauty, Luxury, and Tech Brands.

As a PR Agency in New York we are surrounded by New York Fashion Week, Broadway, Beauty Influencers, all in one of the top four fashion capitals of the world! Having a PR Agency in NYC is sure to give our fashion and beauty clients a competitive advantage. We may be in the big city, but we are a boutique agency that gives detailed attention to each of our clients.


Beauty & Retail Industry PR Business-to-Business (B2B) PR Case Studies Entertainment Industry PR Fashion Pr Green Marketing Media Relations New York Public Relations Nonprofit PR Support Online Advertising Press Releases Product Differentiation And Positioning Public Relations Social Media Marketing Technology Marketing
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